We are currently experiencing a failure of the Ryzen node ryzen1.egc.fra.datalix.de. We are already working on it.
All customers have been migrated. 14 Days of runntime has also been added to all servers on that node.
We are currently seeing sporadic load peaks on the system.
We are currently waiting for new hardware to fully replace the system. We assume that we will be able to migrate all customers to the new system live on Wednesday. As soon as this is completed, all affected customers will be credited with 14 days of runntime.
The incident will be updated again when all customers have been migrated.
The System is stable again
The System has failed again, technician is on the way to the dc.
We expect to have found and fixed the problem. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
All KVM servers on this host system have already been started by us.
No incidents reported
No incidents reported
No incidents reported
No incidents reported
We currently lost connection to all services in the EGC datacenter.
Informationen zum Ausfall am 07.06.2024 Aufgrund eines Ausfalls des Core-Routers von Combahton (core01.ffm3, Interxion) war unser EGC-Standort am 07. Juni 2024 von 12:10 bis 15:17 Uhr nicht erreichbar.
Statusberichte: Combahton: https://status.combahton.net/incidents/xrndsf14gjbx EGC: https://enormategreencenter.statuspage.io/incidents/bl35xwht2h5m Datalix: https://status.datalix.de/incidents/10
Die längere Ausfallzeit unseres Standorts im Vergleich zu Mitbewerbern, die denselben Core nutzen, erklärt sich durch das Fehlen von Redundanzen, wie z. B. einer Backup-Verbindung, die bei einem Ausfall von Combahton greifen sollte. Dies überrascht, da wir davon ausgingen, dass eine solche Maßnahme bereits vorhanden sein sollte. Die Website des EGC formuliert es wie folgt: "Enormate-Green bietet Ihnen ein hochwertiges Netzwerk mit einer Anbindung von über 400 Gbit/s und einer Uptime von 99,99%. Unsere Standorte bei Interxion & Equinix erfüllen die höchsten Anforderungen und garantieren einen reibungslosen Service. Dank direkter Anbindung zum DE-CIX, dem weltweit größten Internetknoten, und unserer Traffic-Mix-Struktur sind wir in der Lage, Ausfallzeiten vorzubeugen und Ihnen eine zuverlässige Verbindung zu bieten." https://www.enormate-green.center/network-services
Wie möglicherweise bereits bekannt, planen wir, unseren EGC-Standort zu verlassen. Der jüngste Ausfall bestätigt unsere Entscheidung. Weitere Informationen zum Umzug werden folgen; dieser ist für November 2024 geplant und wird ins Tornado DC erfolgen.
Trotz einer Downtime von 187 Minuten wurde unsere SLA von 99,2% nicht unterschritten. Aktuell sind daher keine Erstattungen oder Gutschriften vorgesehen. Sollten wir vom Rechenzentrum eine Gutschrift erhalten, werden wir diese entsprechend durchreichen. Über diesbezügliche Entwicklungen liegen uns derzeit jedoch keine weiteren Informationen vor.
Bei weiteren Fragen bitten wir Sie, ein Support-Ticket zu eröffnen.
Information on the outage on 07.06.2024 Due to a failure of Combahton's core router (core01.ffm3, Interxion), our EGC location was not accessible on 07 June 2024 from 12:10 to 15:17.
Status reports: Combahton: https://status.combahton.net/incidents/xrndsf14gjbx EGC: https://enormategreencenter.statuspage.io/incidents/bl35xwht2h5m Datalix: https://status.datalix.de/incidents/10
The longer downtime of our site compared to competitors using the same core can be explained by the lack of redundancies, such as a backup connection, which should take effect in the event of a Combahton outage. This is surprising, as we assumed that such a measure should already be in place. The EGC website puts it as follows: "Enormate-Green offers you a high quality network with a connection of over 400 Gbit/s and an uptime of 99.99%. Our locations at Interxion & Equinix fulfill the highest requirements and guarantee a smooth service. Thanks to a direct connection to DE-CIX, the world's largest internet exchange, and our traffic mix structure, we are able to prevent downtime and provide you with a reliable connection." https://www.enormate-green.center/network-services
As you may already be aware, we are planning to leave our EGC site. The recent outage confirms our decision. Further information on the move will follow; this is planned for November 2024 and will take place in the Tornado DC.
Despite a downtime of 187 minutes, our SLA of 99.2% was not undercut. No refunds or credit notes are therefore currently planned. Should we receive a credit note from the data center, we will pass this on accordingly. However, we currently have no further information on any developments in this regard.
If you have any further questions, please open a support ticket.
We can confirm a 100% fix from combahton. We will share what we will do in the future here in a statement shortly. AS that is not only a failure from combahton, this is mostly a Failure from our DC provider, EGC.
Combahton Update: The devices crashed again, we see signs of a Juniper JunOS bug in the logs. We're doing a emergency change and upgrade now.
Combahton has confirmed that a technician is on side and checking:
"Technican is on-site and shortly at our cabinet, we'll keep you posted once we know more." https://status.combahton.net/
It has been confirmed that Combahton has an outage at a core router: " We're currently experiencing a connectivity loss on our router core01.ffm3 (Interxion). We're currently investigating the cause of the issue and will update this incident as soon as new information is available. Jun 07, 2024 - 10:17 UTC"
Ryzen8 is currently not reachable. As the DC has no 24/7 staff currently, we are waiting for a technician to check the system.
No incidents reported